Since the general election in 2010, Twitter use in the UK has
expanded massively. You're no-one if you're not on Twitter.
With that in mind, this site gives you a simple way to track what
candidates in a general election are saying on Twitter.
We have created a Twitter list for each constituency. Each list is
automatically populated with the Twitter usernames of all the known
candidates in that constituency. We have a page for each constituency
which displays what the candidates are saying on Twitter.
If you find this site useful, please
let us know.
Dave Cross was convinced that the 2010 general
election would be dominated by Twitter. He was wrong, but now thinks that if he
makes the same prediction for every general election he'll get it right eventually.
He has voted in every general election since 1983 and has even been known to be
one of those annoying people who try to collect your voter number at the polling
station. On another occasion he stayed up all night trying to ensure that the
Guardian web site published results as quickly as possible.
He is @davorg on Twitter. And would love to
hear whether you found this site at all useful.